

Up to 200 years

are necessary for polyester to decompose

700.000 individual microfibers

are released into the water every time we wash a polyester garment

70 million oil barrels

are used every year to produce polyester

Polyester is the most common fiber in our garment. We can find it in 52% of our clothes.

Polyester is a synthetic fiber derived from petroleum, a nonrenewable fossil fuel.  As we know, the transformation of crude oil into petrochemicals releases toxins into the atmosphere that are dangerous for human and ecosystem health.

The production of polyester also highly energy intensive.

One of the major problems with this plastic fiber, is the fact that it is non-biodegradable. Learn more about fashion & wastes...

Furthermore, each time we wash a polyester garment, it releases 700.000 plastic microfibers, ending up in rivers and oceans and then in our food chain. Learn more..